Well Soul Podcast

Ep. 109 | Clear the Way for Worship | John

Seana Scott Season 9 Episode 5

In todays mediation in John 2, we reflect on Jesus’ interactions with the religious leaders during Passover, a very important festival where Jews from all over came to worship at the temple. As you listen, notice why Jesus was so angry, what he did about it, and how it shows his care for all people to be able to worship God.

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Welcome to the WellSoul Podcast, where we pause to drink in Scripture, reflect, and pray. I am your host Seana Scott, and sometimes life leaves our souls feeling parched. So come to the well of living water that never runs dry. 

In today's reading we encounter Jesus' interactions with the religious leaders during Passover, a very important festival where Jews from all over came to worship at the temple. As you listen, notice why Jesus was so angry and what he did about it. Before I read, take a deep breath. Quiet your mind and focus your whole being on the words of scripture. 

John 2, 13 to 25. The Jewish Passover was near, and so Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple he found people selling oxen, sheep, and doves, and he also found the money changers sitting there. After making a whip of cords, he drove everyone out of the temple with their sheep and oxen. He also poured out the money changers coins and overturned the tables. He told those who were selling doves, get these things out of here. Stop turning my father's house into a marketplace. And his disciples remembered that it is written zeal for your house will consume me. So the Jews replied to him, what sign do you show us for you doing these things? Jesus answered, destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days. Therefore, the Jews said, this temple took 46 years to build and will you raise it up in three days? But he was speaking about the temple of his body. So when he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the scripture and the statement Jesus had made. While he was in Jerusalem during the Passover festival, many believed in his name when they saw the signs he was doing. Jesus, however, would not entrust himself to them, since he knew them all, and because he did not need anyone to testify about man, for he himself knew what was in man. 

What did you notice? Take a moment to reflect on this. 

I am going to re-read today's passage. Listen for what you notice the Holy Spirit highlights for you. 

John 2, 13-25 The Jewish Passover was near and so Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple he found people selling oxen, sheep, and doves, and he also found the money changers sitting there. After making a whip out of cords, he drove everyone out of the temple with their sheep and oxen. He also poured out the money changer's coins and overturned the tables. He told those who were selling doves, get these things out of here. Stop turning my father's house into a marketplace. And his disciples remembered that it is written, zeal for your house will consume me." So the Jews replied to him, What sign do you show us for doing these things? Jesus answered, Destroy this temple, and I will raise it up in three days. Therefore the Jews said, This temple took forty-six years to build, and you will raise it up in three days? but he was speaking about the temple of his body. So when he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this. And they believed the scripture and the statement Jesus had made. While he was in Jerusalem during the Passover festival, many believed in his name when they saw the signs he was doing. Jesus, however, would not entrust himself to them, since he knew them all, and because he did not need anyone to testify about man, for he himself knew what was in man. 

What did you notice this time? Take a moment to reflect on this. 

Jesus wanted all worshippers to be welcome and the religious leaders hindered non-Jewish worshippers by setting up the court of the Gentiles as a business hub. No wonder Jesus was mad. So he made a whip of cords like those used to herd sacrificial animals and herded out the swindlers from his house of prayer and worship. Friend, Jesus has also cleared what hinders you from drawing close. He is our sacrificial lamb once and for all. All you need to do is believe in him and then you learn to follow. He cleared the way for you like a whipping cord through his blood shed on the cross for our sins. Now take a moment to reflect on Jesus clearing the way for you to have a relationship with him, and then pray about anything else on your heart.

Let's pray. Father, thank you for your Son, Jesus, who cleared the way for us to have a relationship with you. Please, O Father, help us to always be faithful in our believing and learning how to follow. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

Thank you for joining me today on the WellSoul Podcast. If this podcast is a blessing to you, the best way you can show your appreciation is by reviewing it on Apple Podcasts so more people can find the WellSoul. In addition, you can join the WellSoul email list and never miss a resource or encouragement to know God's Word, walk with God and live with purpose. This podcast is financially made possible by listeners buying me a cup of coffee to help pay for operating costs. Links are in the show notes. In closing, I remember my late friend, Brian Vasquez, who helped make this podcast possible. God bless you, and I pray that you have a well soul.

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