Well Soul Podcast
Sometimes life leaves our souls feeling weary, parched. Come away for a few moments to drink in Scripture, reflect, and pray. Seana Scott, a seminary-trained writer and speaker, guides you in this weekly devotional podcast designed for you to connect with God. Refresh your soul at the Well of Living Water that never runs dry.
132 episodes
Ep 131 | Rebekah: I Will Go | The Story of the Old Testament
This episode explores a pivotal moment in Rebekah's life. Would she go and live in a distant land with a stranger? Would she accept that the Lord led Abraham's servant to her? Or would she choose to stay in her home town? In this story we face ...
Season 12
Episode 7

Ep 130 | Don't Look Back | The Story of the Old Testament
The story of the Old Testament brings us to an episode of angels rescuing Lot and his wife and daughters from the wrath of God, destroying wicked Sodom and Gomorrah. As we slowly meditate on this passage, we can see our own hearts—are we the on...
Season 12
Episode 6

Ep 129 | The God Who Sees Me | The Story of the Old Testament
Sometimes, we take our lives into our own hands instead of trusting God—and we create a mess. Such was the case in the story of Sarai and Hagar in Genesis. As you meditate on their story, you see the hand of God's faithfulness. ...
Season 12
Episode 5

Ep 128 | Blessed to be a Blessing | The Story of the Old Testament
God called Abram out, along with his wife Sarai, to leave their home and go to a land God would show Abram. And through their future family, God promised the whole world would be blessed. In other words, they were blessed to be a blessing. ...
Season 12
Episode 4

Ep 127 | The Flood's Courageous Men and Women | The Story of the Old Testament
It took Noah, his wife, his sons, and his son's wives courageous obedience to God to build the ark and to go into the ark—against all odds (they lived in a world of complete wickedness). What can we learn from their courage for our lives today?...
Season 12
Episode 3

Ep 126 | The Epic Fail | The Story of the Old Testament
The failure of both Adam and Eve to obey God's words is not just their mistake—it is ours too. What can we glean from Genesis three to help us thrive in our relationship with God? So much. Listen, reflect, and pray through this Well Soul Podcas...
Season 12
Episode 2

Ep 125 | Who Am I? | The Story of the Old Testament
Join us on a journey through the Bible as we explore the stories of the powerful women in the Old Testament. In our new series, "Women in the Old Testament Story," we dive into the lives of the often-overlooked female figures in Scripture.<...
Season 12
Episode 1

Ep 124 | When You Don't Know What To Do | New Year 2025
When we don't know what to do, Scripture encourages us to seek the Lord and follow. Simple—but not always easy. Meditate on a couple of Bible verses in this episode and then take a few moments to pray about this new season.----<...
Season 11
Episode 2

Ep 123 | Lord, Direct Our Steps | New Year 2025
We might be in the middle of reimagining our goals and plans for the coming months. What will we focus on? In this week's meditation, we consider wisdom from proverbs to help establish our steps. ---Live Your Purpose Guide
Season 11
Episode 1

Ep 122 | God Can Use You, Too | Christmas 2024
Sometimes we wonder if God can use us. Maybe we think we are too young, too old, too much, or not enough. In this episode we meditate on Scripture that highlights two elderly people being used by the Lord and consider that God can us, too.<...
Season 10
Episode 6

Ep 121 | The Shepherds Visit Jesus | Christmas 2024
When Jesus was born, he invited the least likely in the area to show up for a grand event—shepherds out in the field. This week, meditate on the shepherd's appearance at the birth of Jesus and what that might mean for our relationship with God....
Season 10
Episode 5

Ep 120 | The Courage of Mary and Joseph | Christmas 2024
Following God's plan isn't always easy. In this episode, you will listen to part of the Christmas story found in the Gospel of Luke and consider how Mary and Joseph's courage helped them follow God's plan—and we need courage to follow God, too....
Season 10
Episode 4

Ep 119 | God Has Done Great Things | Christmas 2024
This week we meditate on Mary's song as recorded in the gospel of Luke where she worships the Lord. As we listen, we consider who God is—and the wonderful things he has done in our lives as well. SUBSCRIBE to Well Soul Emails...
Season 10
Episode 3

Ep 118 | Trusting God in Life's Uncertainties | Christmas 2024
Mary wondered how God would make her a mother when she was a virgin—but even in her confusion, she submitted herself to God in faith. This week meditate on the interaction between Mary and the Angel and take some time to pray about the uncertai...
Season 10
Episode 2

Ep. 117 | Thanksgiving | Special Episode
Thanksgiving week can feel stressed and rushed. Take a moment to drink in Scripture, reflect and pray through a passage in Psalms, and experience a moment of calm while you connect with God.SUBSCRIBE to Well Soul Emails
Season 10
Episode 1

Ep. 116 | Beyond Our Understanding | John
The Jewish leaders poured over the Scriptures, convinced that eternal life was found within them. Yet, the very one the Scriptures pointed to was standing right in front of them, and they failed to recognize Him. In this episode we consider our...
Season 9
Episode 12

Ep. 115 | Where's the Faith? | John
Jesus heals a lame man in Jerusalem who had been that way for many years, but there is no mention of that man's faith. As we meditate on this week's passage, we see the stark contrast compared to previous passages in this series. The Gentiles b...
Season 9
Episode 11

Ep. 114 | Faith is a Journey | John
Join us as we explore John 4:43-54, where a royal official’s plea for his dying son is met with Jesus' words of life. Through this miracle, we reflect on the growth of faith—from the official’s initial belief to the faith shared by his entire h...
Season 9
Episode 10

Ep. 113 | Accomplishing the work of the Lord | John
In this week’s mediation from John 4, we reflect on the Samaritan woman’s witness as the first evangelist to the Gentiles and Jesus’ interactions with his disciples about doing the Lord’s will. As you listen, notice the evangelism of the Samari...
Season 9
Episode 9

Ep. 112 | Worship the Lord | John
Join us in today’s episode as we explore John 4, where Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman at the well. As we meditate on this passage, we witness Jesus breaking cultural barriers to reveal His identity as the Messiah. Pay close attention to the...
Season 9
Episode 8

Ep. 111 | Eternal Life in the Son | John
In this episode, we meditate on John 3:22-36, where John the Baptist humbly steps back while Jesus steps forward. Together, we reflect on the powerful truth that eternal life is found only in the Son, Jesus Christ. Through this passage, we’ll e...
Season 9
Episode 7

Ep. 110 | How Can I Be Born Again? | John
In todays mediation in John 3, we reflect on Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus. As you listen, notice what Jesus says is necessary to enter the kingdom of God. SUBSCRIBE to Well Soul Emails
Season 9
Episode 6

Ep. 109 | Clear the Way for Worship | John
In todays mediation in John 2, we reflect on Jesus’ interactions with the religious leaders during Passover, a very important festival where Jews from all over came to worship at the temple. As you listen, notice why Jesus was so angry, what he...
Season 9
Episode 5

Ep. 108 | God's Abundant Provision | John
In John 2 we read about Jesus' first miracle at a wedding feast and we mediate on God's abundant provision in the Kingdom of God and his gracious love. SUBSCRIBE to Well Soul Emails
Season 9
Episode 4

Ep. 108 | Come and See: Finding Our Way in Jesus | John
Jesus invites His first disciples to "come and see" where He is staying. This simple yet profound invitation is a reminder that faith often begins with a personal encounter and a simple step: come and see. Listen to this passage and mediation f...
Season 9
Episode 3