Well Soul Podcast
Sometimes life leaves our souls feeling weary, parched. Come away for a few moments to drink in Scripture, reflect, and pray. Seana Scott, a seminary-trained writer and speaker, guides you in this weekly devotional podcast designed for you to connect with God. Refresh your soul at the Well of Living Water that never runs dry.
Podcasting since 2022 • 132 episodes
Well Soul Podcast
Latest Episodes
Ep 131 | Rebekah: I Will Go | The Story of the Old Testament
This episode explores a pivotal moment in Rebekah's life. Would she go and live in a distant land with a stranger? Would she accept that the Lord led Abraham's servant to her? Or would she choose to stay in her home town? In this story we face ...
Season 12
Episode 7

Ep 130 | Don't Look Back | The Story of the Old Testament
The story of the Old Testament brings us to an episode of angels rescuing Lot and his wife and daughters from the wrath of God, destroying wicked Sodom and Gomorrah. As we slowly meditate on this passage, we can see our own hearts—are we the on...
Season 12
Episode 6

Ep 129 | The God Who Sees Me | The Story of the Old Testament
Sometimes, we take our lives into our own hands instead of trusting God—and we create a mess. Such was the case in the story of Sarai and Hagar in Genesis. As you meditate on their story, you see the hand of God's faithfulness. ...
Season 12
Episode 5

Ep 128 | Blessed to be a Blessing | The Story of the Old Testament
God called Abram out, along with his wife Sarai, to leave their home and go to a land God would show Abram. And through their future family, God promised the whole world would be blessed. In other words, they were blessed to be a blessing. ...
Season 12
Episode 4

Ep 127 | The Flood's Courageous Men and Women | The Story of the Old Testament
It took Noah, his wife, his sons, and his son's wives courageous obedience to God to build the ark and to go into the ark—against all odds (they lived in a world of complete wickedness). What can we learn from their courage for our lives today?...
Season 12
Episode 3

Fan Mail
you thank you for this thought-provoking and moving study of the scriptures. So deep, so Soul reaching
Indianapolis, Indiana