Well Soul Podcast

Ep. 23 | LUKE 21: How to Prepare for Jesus' Return

Seana Scott Season 2 Episode 21

The return of Jesus is something many have tried to predict—but we don't know exactly when it will happen.

What do we know?
How can we prepare?

This week in Luke 21, we learn about some of the things to expect before Jesus returns, but more important: what we are to do in the meantime.

Listen to this week's episode to consider how you can prepare for Christ's return.


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Bible Study for Luke:
Latte with Luke by Dr. Sandra Glahn.
Videos for Luke: Bible Project Luke 1–9, Luke 10–24

Well Soul Resources



Welcome to Luke 21 in our certainty of faith series through the Gospel of Luke.  

Today we read about Jesus teaching his disciples what to expect after He is gone—and before He returns. The disciples want to know—when will this happen? What will it be like? 

This chapter is full of apocalyptic and prophetic teaching, so I will summarize the main ideas of Jesus’ teachings and then we will meditate on his encouragement and instructions for his disciples—and by extension, us today, who still await his return. 


Luke 21 begins with Jesus in the temple courts watching people give the temple tax and offerings. He notices a widow who offered all she had to live on—and Jesus tells his disciples that even though she gave little, she gave MORE than all the rich people who put in from their excess.

And as the disciples marvel at the greatness and majestic baurty of the temple, Jesus foretells that not one of those precious stones will remain on top of one another.

The disciples want to know—when?! When will this take place?!? Just like many in our time want to know—when?!? When will Jesus return?!?

And instead of Jesus giving them an exact account, he describes the kinds of things that will happen. 

Closer to his return there will be:

·      There will be wars and rumors of war

·      Earthquakes

·      Famines

·      Terrifying sights

Verses 10-11

And then Jesus warns the disicples what they will face personally:

·      The disciples will be persecuted

·      Betrayed by loved ones

·      Hated by everyone on account of Jesus

·      But have hope—not even the hair on your head will perish (forever). 

·      “By your endurance, you will gain your lives.” (21:19).

Verses 12-19

We then hear more about what it will be like right before Jesus returns:

·      Signs in sun, moon, and stars

·      Nations will be in distress and anxious about roaring of the sea and surging waves.

·      People will be fainting from fear from expectation of what is coming (judgement= “powers of the heavens will be shaken”).

·      THEN Son of Man will return in a cloud with power and great authority (see Daniel 7:13).


We now come to our passage for today we will drink in slowly. This is the encouragement and instructions Jesus leaves with his disciples as they think about what is to come—and I think it offers us instruction and encouragement as well. 

Before I read, take a moment to pause to breathe in, prepare your heart to listen to God’s word by pushing aside all other mental distraactions.

Come, Holy Spirit, come. Wash us in your word. 

34 “But be on your guard[a] so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life, and that day close down upon you suddenly like a trap.[b] 35 For[c] it will overtake[d] all who live on the face of the whole earth.[e] 36 But stay alert at all times,[f] praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that must[g] happen, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

Soak in the Scripture for a moment of silence. 

I will read it once again. Listen to the Holy Spirit highlighting words or phrases as I read.

34 “But be on your guard[a] so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life, and that day close down upon you suddenly like a trap.[b] 35 For[c] it will overtake[d] all who live on the face of the whole earth.[e] 36 But stay alert at all times,[f] praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that must[g] happen, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

What came to your mind as you listened?

Jesus’ words to his disciples ring true for us today.

We want to be ready for his return as well. 

So we are encouraged to be on our guard.

Not allow ourselves to be wgihed down by dissipation, which is careless worldly living… or substance abuse, or the worries of life.

We don’t want to be caught unready when God comes.

Rather, we are to be alert and praying always.


Take a moment of prayer. What is the Holy Spirit convicting you about in your own life so that you are ready for jesus’ return ANY moment?


Pray about this or whatever else the Holy Spirit lays on your heart.


Let’s pray. 


Thank you for joining me today on the well soul podcast. If this episode encouraged your faith, I invite you to help support the production of the podcast by visiting buymeacoffee.com/wellsoulpodcast. For the cost of a cup of coffee you can help others drink in scuprutre, reflect, and pray.

I also invite you to subscribe to the Well Soul monthly. A digital newsletter that includes reflection, podcast highlights, and resources to help you live with a well soul. Click the link in the show notes to join us.

Now, if you would like to study the book of Luke more deeply than the podcast allows, I encourage you to look at the resources linked in the show notes.

I would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Sandra Glahn for her Latte with Luke Bible study and Brian Vasquez productions, who has made this podcast possible. This episode is sponsored by socialremix.co to SocialRemix.co, a social media generating website that saves you hours of content creation with just a click of a button. For more information, see the Links in the show notes.


God bless you and I pray that you have a well soul.

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